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Thread: Ideal shop size

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by fordguy View Post
    I do seem to accumulate things. So a bigger shop is probably better than a small one. I keep playing with the idea of a small tractor and brush hog even though i only have 10 acres to play around on.
    Ten acres isn't all that small. For instance, I'd hate to have to paint it.
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  2. #12
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    20 by 32 is not big enough after my wife gets access for her stuff added to my stuff.
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  3. #13
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    I'd love to have my detached garage about 10' longer so my boat would fit with the motor trimmed up and I could walk in front or behind it with the garage door down. And be wide enough for a riding mower, tiller, ATV, pier cart and wheel barrow. I would love a bench with a big cutting board and sink for cleaning fish, room to tie jigs and teasers, reload pew pew feed, work on a weed eater or sharpen a chainsaw. So maybe 28' x 40'.
    fordguy and benhunts like this.

  4. #14
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    Don’t skimp on the height, I agree with Iron Man build as big as you can afford and leave room to expand or at least for a lean to. For personal and my work we have several, most people will cut back on the height and doors to save money but I wouldn’t, I’ve got a 32 x 20 at the house which was fine for a drill press, welder, torch and my tractor with the front loader and brush hog, but I had to store my boat at work. My son was going to build one so I told him to build it big enough for the tractor and his stuff, he built a 42 x 60 with 3 12x12 doors and it’s about the perfect size. Granted he uses for his work also so it’s a business expense but it’s nice to have those bigger doors to back our campers or not having to unload the backhoe off the trailer.
    ironman172 and fordguy like this.

  5. #15
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    30 x60 steel master modified quanson, 8 ft at 1 ft inside wall, boat , tractor, bushog, 12x5 utility trailer, 62 vw bug, wood splitter troybilt tiller, mixer,boatload of wiffees stuff, still gotta leave a large open area down center to have access to all. Slick trowel finish floor, easy sweeplng.! Can't fuss too much. Charging up to go to martin tomorrow looking for stripes. Oh yeah one 12x10 roll up door only access!
    fordguy and benhunts like this.

  6. #16
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    Stripe trip a bust.no birds,Lil bait, no fish, water temp 53
    Last edited by chuckster; 12-26-2019 at 05:32 PM. Reason: Sp

  7. #17
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    Mine is 25 x 50 with 12' roll up door and 3' entrance door on end, with 8' roll up on side. I built a pole barn with 6 x 6 posts and steel trusses and poured concrete slab, then walled it up. 26 gauge metal roof, 29 gauge metal siding. bottom of trusses on posts 10' off floor. If I were going to build another one I would probably make it a little taller and add a loft for additional storage. It's cheaper to build it taller than to it is to make it bigger.
    fordguy and benhunts like this.

  8. #18
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    In the south, lots of people use prefab metal trusses that run around $7.50 per foot. You can add on as needed to the length and add leantoo to the sides. The only thing is they are one on twelve pitch, with you being in OK that might not work due to snow.
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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by john g View Post
    In the south, lots of people use prefab metal trusses that run around $7.50 per foot. You can add on as needed to the length and add leantoo to the sides. The only thing is they are one on twelve pitch, with you being in OK that might not work due to snow.
    In the 5 years ive been in Oklahoma i don't think ive seen more than an inch or two of snow at any given time. Most years I've seen fluries and thats it. I'd be fine with a minimal pitch on the roof, especially if i put a woodstove in to heat it when needed.
    benhunts likes this.


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